While exercising and staying active during pregnancy is often encouraged, it is important that you check with your OBGYN first; especially if you have a high risk pregnancy or have not exercised prior to becoming pregnant.
If you normally get little to no exercise, walking 30 minutes a day is a good way to start getting active. Walking is usually safe because it does not put too much pressure on your joints and still gives you a full body workout.
Exercise helps with:
- Strengthening and preparing your body for all the changes it will go through (from pregnancy, birthing, to post-pregnancy)
- Regulating blood sugar
- Regulating blood pressure
- Improving mood
- Easing back pain
- Strengthening your cardiovascular system (improved circulation helps prevent hemorrhoids, varicose veins, leg cramps, and ankle swelling)
- Strengthens the respiratory system
- Improving metabolism and digestion (helps prevent constipation)
- Improving sleep quality
- Preparing your body for a quicker recovery after delivery